Railpen is pleased to announce the submission of updated designs for the redevelopment of the Beehive Centre.
The updated designs aim to revitalise the Beehive Centre, turning it into a vibrant and sustainable destination that blends modern workspace, retail, leisure, entertainment and community spaces.
Hive Park
A new public park comparable in size to St Matthew’s Piece
Building locations, heights and footprints
Reduced height and massing of a number of buildings and adjusted building footprints and locations to increase separation distances between buildings and neighbours
New shops and leisure facilities
Around 20 new shops and leisure facilities including a small supermarket and gym
Reduced congestion
Removing 10,500 cars from the local road network
Upgraded Coldham’s Lane roundabout
Separating pedestrians and cyclists from motor traffic
Beehive Careers Academy
Working with Form the Future to provide local school students with work experience opportunities and free access to employment and careers advice
A larger civic square
For new and existing community events in the city
New cycle route
A direct cycle / pedestrian link through the site to improve connectivity and support Phase 2 of the Chisholm Trail
More public buses
15 new public buses an hour with new local bus services and improved frequency
Youth space
An indoor facility developed in consultation with Abbey People and Cambs Youth Panel
Cycle parking
Over 4,200 cycle parking spaces
Inclusive open space
New inclusive open space designed by local secondary schools and Make Space for Girls
More trees
More trees than before with 290 to be planted. More of the existing trees will also be retained
Retained retailers
The re-location of ASDA and other retailers to an improved Cambridge Retail Park
Public transport investment
Multi-million-pound investment in local transport improvements
The ‘Makers Lab’ powered by Cambridge Science Centre
A new science centre to foster a love of science in children and young people
Job opportunities for all
Over 5,000 new jobs, with 2,130 entry-level to mid-level jobs that will require no specialist qualification and would provide on the job training
Accessible, safe and welcoming to all
Working with young adults with learning disabilities to create a place that is accessible to people with different sensory profiles and neurodivergent conditions
Revised Masterplan
Public Consultation
The views and feedback from the community have been central to how our plans have and will continue to develop, as we prepare to submit a revised planning application.
The latest proposals were on show at the former ScS Unit on Cambridge Retail Park on Wednesday 17 and Thursday 18 July 2024, we also held an online webinar on Friday 19 July 2024.
Social Impact
Our ambition is that this scheme provides an example of how long-term investment can create a place that supports local people, businesses and visitors to the city.